Friday, February 5, 2010

Damn Casual Friday

I went to work today in my new most dressy outfit and what do you know…..they have causal fridays in Malawi!! Dammit. Oh don't you worry, I can beat them in casual friday any day of the week. I have 25kg of casual clothes. Bare with me here as I have a lot of time on my hands in the evenings and have been thoroughly entertaining myself with my new camera and laptop. I will get to more of the stories of what I have seen and experienced (as opposed to how I am deciding to pick out my outfits) later. I have time. I figured I would post another outfit due to the overwhelming requests….or maybe it was just one email from my sister. Potatoes Patatos....whatever.

Is this what you thought you would get from my blog from Africa? :-P


  1. oh snap! so now they're the ones that look like park rangers and you look more like a cheetah, i mean, an african. j/k love the look!!!

  2. Two Things you Malawi Fashion maven - LOL

    1) Happy Birthday!!!

    2) Always remember Pfizer's video of Dress for success - hahahah and to think you laughed when I wore my cuff links in the field - :-) - Steven A

  3. Shimper, Weiss just turned me onto your blog. Forget the rules, you look GREAT. Africa is working its magic ;) Happy 35th!

