I am pretty sure that I pay more in tip for a five minute NYC cab ride than this guy makes in a 30 km trip.
Let's hope the middle finger is not universal.
So I went to the car, the door was open, and next thing you know, 25 kids are squeezing themselves in the door to talk. You cannot get a clear view of how many kids there are, but I am sure you can hear them. I had the best time making videos of this.
As you watch this, keep in mind that these kids do not speak any english.
Where the Malawian carbon footprint is about the size of Bigfoot due to all the exhaust from old cars and trucks, they make up for it in recycling old materials. Everything that is used has two, three or even four lives. I am pretty impressed with how inventive they can be. Do you know how many toys an empty water bottle can be? They can make the coolest toy truck out of old wires and cans for tires. Now I don't know about tetanus, but the toy sure looks cool. Here is a picture of a kite made out of a garbage bag and shopping bags. I am willing to bet that this garbage bag had another life in between carrying trash and catching wind. Maybe our new recycling policy should be to send all of our trash to Malawi. They could probably come up with some really cool inventions.