So day 1 in the office. I was sitting there talking to the two women saying that enough is enough. I need to go shopping. I have been being feeling really uncomfortable about how casual my outfits have been when they all look so nice. They take such pride in how they dress and we (I am talking about any white person here) look like park rangers. I met the ex-vice president of Malawi yesterday and I was not cool with the casualness of my dress while he was dressed to the nines.
So Miriam and I took a mini-bus (an amazingly efficient mini-van that packs people in) to some shops. For any of you that have shopped in a foreign country, you know how it feels to lose your own sense of what you see as normal. I continued to fight the "ok this is cool" by thinking…..european vacation…..i kept repeating this….european vacation, european vacation every time i thought….this is cool.
So I thought about putting up some thumbnails of all of my new outfits. If not for anything other than a good laugh, but I think I did pretty good. I kept thinking….would I wear this at home? I definitely pushed that limit, but feel I am in better shape than my khaki's, tank-top and flip-flops. You be the judge.
When I came back to the office bragging that I am going to look like them they said to each other "have your camera batteries charged tomorrow" . I am screwed from either continent. For me, a laugh is worth more than my pride…..I guess :-)
So today in my new outfit my friend Mike said the girls where we ate lunch were asking him where I go my outfit. They wanted to know if it was American or if I got it here. They could not figure it out. Bingo Bango. Mission accomplished. I am in!!