Friday, February 19, 2010

My Hut

Contrary to what most people might think, I am not living in a hut. At the risk of losing some credibility, I am posting some pictures of where I am staying. :-) I even have a tv, which only carries CNN and the Hallmark channel. I have never been more up on current events.

Just waiting to see Tiger....I am just hoping they are carrying him on CNN. I am craving a good scandal here. I need something a little more mindless. I am pretty bummed about the Olympics as it looks like they do not have any rights to any of the video. I am catching the Olympics in still shots. It just doesn't have the same impact. :-)


  1. Too Funny! The Olympics have had some great moments, loved the men’s snowboarding! You should try and youtube and catch the highlights? - Nice hut, when is the first house party??

  2. wow. nice! seems like two different worlds existing side by side? must be surreal? i guess. taping Olympics on my dvr. maybe I can make a cd for you, if I can figure out how to do that?... I'll try. keep up the good work, christine.

  3. Hey Christine - Looks like an adventure you are having! Is there anything that we could send or do and send to you? I teach high school students and they are always interested to find ways to connect to others and maybe do some good. Just an idea - let me know if there is a need for anything. Books, etc.,?

  4. just checking your blog. hope all is well. I haven't been doin SUFK outreach. still unemployed and don't want to spend the money for train fare. things are gettin pretty tight. thinkin of sellin this house. its too much. I think Dave, Mo and Sonia were goin out tonite. asked Mo to let me know how things went. will pass info along to you. be well.
