Thursday, May 20, 2010

Game Time!

A little game here......I am posting this video and will tell the story in a few days. I want you to watch it and guess what is happening.

A. This is dinner.
B. This guy has 19 other friends in the back ready to make us some money.
C. This guy won me $50 in a chicken fight.
D. This is Mikes pet chicken hanging out with us for the day.

This video just makes me giggle watching it. I cannot get enough of it.


  1. D. and he understands what "Chill" means. i think he wants you to change the radio station to some phish. that's what the neck twitches mean. btw, i like this game. keep em coming!

  2. I'd like to think it's D too...but I'm going with A!

  3. wow, can't believe it was actually B! the other 19 chickens made absolutely zero sound in the back. wacky wild stuff. but, it's the family that is making the money not you guys, right?
